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Strategi Jitu Bisnis di Era Digital

Lampu.id with The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), in collaboration with Siberkreasi, the e-commerce platform Bhinneka.com, and the digital payment and financial services provider DANA Indonesia, organized a digital literacy training titled 'Effective Business Strategies in the Digital Era' in Jakarta on February 10, 2023.

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UMKM Digital Cemerlang Melaju Bersama Kementerian Kominfo

Lampu.id with The Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo), in collaboration with Siberkreasi and the e-commerce platform Lazada, held a digital literacy training event titled "Akar Digital, Jurus Jitu untuk Jadi 1000 UMKM Cemerlang" in a hybrid format at Hotel Le Dian, Serang, Banten, on March 7, 2023.

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